Tips For Sharing on Social Media with Sebastian Smith

In a recent class that Sebastian took at the AMUA, he shared his ideas and tips about smartphone photography and sharing on social media. Since a lot of information and knowledge was shared, we decided to create two posts. In that class he also shared a lot of other ideas that can be helpful for those who are just starting out their careers in Photography and need to know how they can do an effective self promotion on Social media. Following is a summary of one of his classes he was instructing – What To Share as a Beginner – Since…
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Smartphone Photography with Sebastian Smith

Smartphone Photography with Sebastian Smith

Meet Sebastian Smith, internationally published celebrity and fashion photographer and the Photography and Lighting Instructor at Academy of Make Up Arts. He also owns a gallery in Charleston where you can check out and buy his work. Today he is with us at The AMUA sharing his insights on how a smartphone can help you create content for self-promotion on social media. You don’t always need to be carrying an expensive camera to get the best shot. Following is a summary of one of his classes he was instructing – The inception of cameras on phones has allowed us to create…
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