How I Made $40k a Year Working One Day a Week as a Makeup Artist

A makeup artist has many paths they can take in their careers. Possibilities range from film and television to body painting to runway. Most young artists will say they want to do it all, and that experimentation is necessary for an aspiring makeup artist to find where they fit. In my observation though, most people end up finding their niche and sticking to it. While now my personal path is in education, for a long while it was in bridal. People are often surprised at how much money I was able to make in such a short amount of time.…
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Is Instagram Make Up Here To Stay?

It's hard to believe social media as we know it is barely a decade old. Instagram itself was launched in 2010! The era of selfies and makeup tutorials began and inspired a new generation to explore the exciting industry of makeup artistry. It also gave birth to a new style of makeup that we will refer to here as "Instagram makeup." If you are of a younger age, you might not yet have had the experience of watching makeup and fashion trends come and go. Often we look back at the past decade with a little embarrassment. In the 1980s,…
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How A Pro Selects Products For Their Kit

The cosmetics industry has changed a lot in the last 20 years. Our grandmothers had a limited makeup selection. Either they could go to the drug store, or they could go to a high end counter where professionals in lab coats would apply luxury makeup. There weren't a lot of midrange products. Things are quite different today. Now we have large makeup stores that carry a multitude of new and old brands of cosmetics and skin care. Because of this huge selection, it is a common question for up and coming makeup artists: How does a professional select products for…
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Top 3 Reasons to Go to Professional Make Up School

Top 3 Reasons to Go to Professional Make Up School

1. Clients Want Trained Professionals It’s no news that YouTube and Instagram have profoundly affected the beauty industry. Since YouTube debuted in the mid-2000s, a new generation has become obsessed with makeup products and techniques. Some of them have gathered huge social media followings, while others have managed to cross over into the realm of real-world working makeup artists.  Seeing so much interest in our creative and lucrative field is exciting. It’s also important–now more than ever–for the aspiring artist to understand that this new wave of people has made an already competitive field even more competitive. While it’s popular…
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Why I Love Teaching Make Up

Why I Love Teaching Make Up

By Kevin St James The first thing that I remember being obsessed with when I was really young was monster makeup. There was a book at my neighborhood library about old Hollywood movie stars like Bela Legosi and Lon Chaney, two actors who portrayed Dracula, Frankenstein and the Werewolf. The book focused on the makeup techniques and even had directions to do a Frankenstein makeup with a brown paper bag and paper maché. I made several attempts to do this makeup in the bathroom, much to my mother's dismay. I was quiet messy with it. But my makeup journey really…
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