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Earth Day – How to be a Sustainable Makeup Artist

Earth Day – How to be a Sustainable Makeup Artist

Earth Day is a day that reminds us of the importance of protecting our planet and ensuring that we leave it in a better condition for future generations. Unfortunately, for the sanitation and protection of our clients, makeup artists tend to go through a lot of disposables and waste. Some of it is unavoidable to ensure cleanliness in a fast passed work environment. As a makeup artist, there still are several steps that you can take to make your profession more sustainable and contribute towards a greener future.

Here are some tips on being a sustainable makeup artist:

  1. Use eco-friendly products: One of the easiest ways to be a sustainable makeup artist is to use eco-friendly products. Look for makeup brands that use natural and organic ingredients, and avoid products that contain harmful chemicals. Using such products not only helps the environment but also helps in preventing allergies and breakouts on the skin.
  2. Use reusable tools: Another way to reduce waste in your profession is to use reusable tools when you can. Invest in high-quality brushes and applicators that can be washed and reused multiple times. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also reduce the amount of waste you produce. Do not let this affect your sanitation and hygiene procedures when it comes to things like mascara wands, sponges, etc… We want to help the Earth, but we cannot slack on taking care of our clients’ health.
  3. Recycle packaging: Most makeup products come in packaging that is not biodegradable, such as plastic containers. Make sure to recycle this packaging properly and encourage your clients to do the same.
  4. Use energy-efficient lighting: As a makeup artist, you need proper lighting to do your job well. Using energy-efficient lighting, such as LED lights, can significantly reduce your energy consumption and lower your electricity bill. Plus, it’s a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.
  5. Donate used mascara wands: There are multiple companies that accept used mascara wands to help clean wildlife affected by oil spills and natural disasters! Companies like Wands for Wildlife also have resources for upcycling other disposable goods.
  6. Upcycle: Upcycling is often seen as a sustainable alternative to traditional recycling, as it requires less energy and resources to produce new items. Take containers and turn them into planters, or your small set trash can. The possibilities are endless!
  7. Educate clients: Lastly, as a makeup artist, you have the opportunity to educate your clients on sustainable practices. Encourage them to use eco-friendly products, recycle packaging, and reduce their carbon footprint.

Being a sustainable makeup artist is all about making small changes in your daily routine and encouraging others to do the same. By using eco-friendly products, using reusable tools, recycling packaging, using energy-efficient lighting, upcycling, and educating your clients, you can make a significant difference in reducing your carbon footprint and protecting our planet. Let’s make every day Earth Day!

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