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Why makeup artists should learn hair styling

From messy hair buns to fancy updos, there are many different hairstyles that women want for special occasions. As a make-up artist, it’s likely those occasions, such as fancy parties and weddings, will be ones your skills are also called for. And with so much competition in the sector, you should do all you can to stand out from the crowd and be the best. Read on to discover why makeup artists should learn hairstyling techniques.

Top 3 reasons makeup artists should learn hairstyling

If you want to be the best MUA in town, having a wide skill set to offer is a great first step. Whether you’re self-employed or wish to work in a salon, here are a few reasons why you should learn to style hair.

  1. Knowing how to style hair, too, allows you to provide the perfect all-around service. It’s not unusual for clients to want to go to just one place for all their needs. Whether it’s a salon who offers hair, nails and other treatments or an MUA like you who offers a complete look from hair to makeup. Stand out from the crowd by learning skills that will allow you to become the one business every lady will want to turn for getting dolled up for special occasions.
  2. Most employers will look for basic hairstyling knowledge when employing new makeup artists. If your goal is to work in a salon, rather than independently; having a basic set of hairstyling skills will allow you to boost your CV when applying. Being double-certified makes you a highly competitive candidate for any position! You can even complete hairstyling courses online, making it easier than ever to get that all-important qualification. 
  3. Being able to style hair is a great way to boost your salary. Whether you’re working in a salon who employs one person to fill the two roles of MUA and stylist, or you want a little extra cash on the side working for yourself- hair styling is a great boost to your income.

Tips for makeup artists who also style hair

  • Know your worth, because being able to offer skills in both areas should definitely lead to a higher pay rate.
  • If you do decide to be a freelance MUA, you’ll need to check with your state regulations before offering the hairstyling on its own. Offering potential clients the option to come to you just for messy hair buns and fancy updos could be a tidy little earner for you, but some states like Tennessee require you to have a cosmetology license before you can charge to style or even braid hair. 

So, regardless of your decision to work in a salon or become a self-employed and independent business owner, hair styling is one of those skills you as a makeup artist should not be without.

By Ashley

Founder & Executive Director of Academy of Make Up Arts

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